The Best Holidays

I am a Christmas lover, I like the ligths in the streets and that people were very happy to see their families. Last Christmas was on 24th of December 2021, and I celebrated it at my grandparents´ house. Althougth this day is associated with gifts and spending alot of money in malls for me is not the important idea, but to enjoy this day because they are dates that are not forgotten.

How to forget the letters from the Santa Claus? Excitement of small children, and delicious Easter bread.

Waiting for 12 o´clock at nicth to embrace your loved ones, while listening to the typical "Feliz Navidad" song fromthe soundtrack of "Tommy Rey", these are memories that make you very happy over the years.

During one Christmas there was an electricity blackout, we thougth the prolem would soon be solved but it wasn´t and we had to dine with candles and lanterns.

It is the best celeration for me because I feel safe and with inmense happiness, I see my family, we talk, play and we sing Christmas carols.

Until the next log, and tell me if you rememer what was your first toy or you most expected gift for Christmas?


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